Friday, May 3, 2013

Livin' With Wimmen

The Power of Estrogen

One of the things I have realized I will miss the most about my college life, is living with other girls. Even if we didn't all become the best of friends that we thought we would, there is a weird and wonderful sense of camaraderie and kinship that forms. It's like the girl code on crack. 

The girl code, contrary to popular belief, isn't just about friendships between girls, how to handle boys, "hoes before bros" etc etc etc. It is a set of rules that guardian and patrol female-to-female interaction in many a different setting.  In the realm of social camaraderie, I've mentioned one of the stipulations before: Sex and The City. The girl code rules of social camaraderie also include being freely able to talk about one's period or boobs (and all brassiere related apparatus) to basically any other woman, no matter the level of comfort, and there will be no judgment. This rule also means helping another girl out in a creepy guy situation, taking group pee breaks, and clothing checks. When we forget this, is when the backstabbing and bitching comes out...but that's a hot topic for another day. 

Back to the female roommates. Despite the passive aggressiveness of four girls living together, the crazy emotions and general hunger for chocolate at odd hours of the night, there is something beautiful about it all. Someone can walk out of their room and be like "DUDES, I need a strapless bra for this dress", and somehow, from somewhere, one will be found that fits, and it's golden. There's no need for "omg, I owe you", it's understood that girls can share clothes, makeup, books, pillows. 

There's always someone there to hold your hair back, make you tea, get you medecine, offer you a blanket, go on midnight junk food runs, or awkwardly pat your back when you're crying in the kitchen.   Treating each other simultaneously like family and roommates, adults and children. It's a bizzarre dynamic that I don't think can be recreated. It takes four people who met in first year of college, didn't know each other that well and decided to trust each other to not be serial killers, slobs or horrible people, and showing that trust in the form of a down payment and monthly rent. 

Imma miss you girls, despite all my bitchin' throughout these two years. Imma miss you, and I'm gonna look back on these two years with the rosiest of the glances, and the glow that comes from uteruses in sync, unwashed pots and pans, paying bills and growing into adults together. 

"I'm so excited to get back into my house, pop some bottles and hook up with my roommates" - Jersey Shore

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