Thursday, April 18, 2013

Questions for this Afternoon

Will I...Did I...Can I...?

It occurs to me, a little too late, that perhaps I have missed out on the quintessential college experience, by choosing a university in a different country, and this I will never get back.
It's usually this question that haunts me after watching college-esque shows and/or movies. Have I made a grave mistake by not joining x, y, z? Will I regret not being one of those people who was friends with everyone, and whose Facebook is littered with thousands of greetings, photos, beer pong pics and statuses liked by over 100 people? 

And what I usually end up realizing I will not. And when I realize this is when I am with my group of friends here. They're not plentiful, but they are more than enough. I can count the friends I regularly socialize and hang out with on my hands, and frankly that's fine with me. In a school of 36,000 I have managed to carve a niche of people that would care if I were dead. They would notice if I were missing for more than 6 hours. BY ODIN'S RAVENS is that beautiful. 

I can without a doubt say that these are kids that I will stay in touch with forever. People with whom I have shared everything and nothing. People who hold me to the highest standards, and are still okay with what they see. They will be my friends, my confidantes and my grounding wires. And they will be added to the already irreplaceable group of friends I cultivated in high school. 

I look at those kids with the roaring social lives according to their online profiles and general notoriety, and I'm content. I won't go through the trite explanation that their relationships are vapid and pointless, cause who knows, maybe they're not. But I could never handle the sort of relationship that was anything but meaningful, and I also am far too selfish to have a meaningful relationship with more than a handful of people - and to be able to say that I've found people who I trust implicitly is more than most people can say ever. 

There's the cliche that you are judged by who you're friends with. And hot damn, am I one lucky sunnava biscuit box. I've had, gotten and will have it all. 

“There are some things you can't share without ending up liking each other, and knocking out a twelve-foot mountain troll is one of them.”
- JK Rowling Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 

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